As a decile 10 school, our operational funding from the Ministry of Education does not fully meet the costs of running our operations at the level you expect and which we wish to provide. Fundraising, including donations and grants, makes up the balance.
We rely on family contributions so that we can continue to meet and exceed your expectations about what we can deliver for all of our children.
Your family contribution will be used to:
- To meet the outcomes of the school’s strategic goals outlined in the charter
- Support all curriculum learning areas in the classroom
- Resource our online learning environment to support home and school partnerships for learning.
- Purchase resources and facilitate opportunities to meet individual needs
- Subsidise special events such as sports, camps and other school trips.
- Enhance Enviroschool and Education For Sustainability (EFS) opportunities
We regard annual family contributions as the fairest and most feasible way to provide educational opportunities for all our children. Most parents and caregivers at the school, regardless of their ability to pay, share this view. Please note that donation tax credits can be claimed.
There are several ways you can choose to contribute. The automatic payment option has proven to be very popular. Please support our school, it is appreciated.
Please click here for up to date family contribution costs.
Payments can be made by:
- HERO (this is our preferred method of payment where possible please)
- EFTPOS at the school office
- Automatic payment – flexible eg weekly, monthly, each term as suits.
Receipts will be given which allow you to claim a 33% IRD tax credit (form IR526)