During term time the office is open from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. During the holidays office hours will vary. Our answerphone is cleared regularly so please leave a message recording your details and a brief description of your requirements if you are calling outside of office hours.
Office: 09 8175140
Jenny Murphy is our executive receptionist and is always there to greet you on reception. She will help guide you with any queries you may have. Jenny has a variety of duties ranging from payroll, Kindo, to first aide, managing our student management system and everything in between.
Shelley Mckeown is our accounts administrator. Shelley also supports the smooth transition of new enrolments and the property management of the school.
Jenny office@woodlandspark.school.nz
Shelley accounts@woodlandspark.school.nz
It is imperative that the office always has your correct details, as well as that of your nominated emergency contacts. Please notify us when any changes are made.