Term 4 Update:

Schools are extremely restricted at alert level 3 and only open for a limited number of children whose parents/carers who need to leave their home for work and where there is no appropriate caregiver.
Most children and young people will continue to learn from home. You must register your child to attend school at AL3.

In order to ensure the safety of children and our staff who do come to school, Dr Ashley Bloomfield shared an operational rubric which enforces strict health and safety measures which we are obligated to adhere to:

Learning at school
● Bubbles of up to 20 children with one teacher.
● Siblings will be in the same bubble.
● The teaching / learning programme on offer at school will be planned with the collaboration of their classroom teacher. The bubble teachers will assist students to work their way through the activities.
● For safety reasons, each bubble will be independent of other bubbles for all learning, play and eating. Breaks, starting and finishing times will be staggered.
● Each child will have an allocated workspace and the 1-2m social distancing will apply at all times.

Specific health measures
● If a sick child comes to school, we will unfortunately need to send them home.
● Hand sanitiser will be at the entry to classrooms and in bathrooms.
● Bubbles cannot mix during breaks so will have designated separate areas
● To support contact tracing students should sit in the same place each day, with 1m physical distance between all children, young people and staff. Everyone must maintain a 2 metre physical distance outside and 1m inside.
● Physical education classes and breaktime activities cannot include sports with <2m physical distance or where the same equipment is touched by different students (balls, ropes, sticks, etc).
● Surfaces will be disinfected and cleaned daily.

Break Times
● Break times will be staggered from other bubbles.

Drop off and Pick Up
We need to keep everyone safe (teachers and children) by limiting unnecessary contact on site, so we ask parents to follow these procedures and not enter the school: Please note that the daily registration form needs to be completed before drop off. This will be sent out via the office;

● Start time and finish times will be staggered – please note that there is no supervision before or after school.
● Parents should not enter school grounds. Please bring your child/ren to the gate and wait outside.
● Once leaving their parents child(ren) can go straight to their assigned bubble classroom
● At Pickup time the bubble teacher will escort children to the assigned entry point for collection


Early learning services, schools and kura

At Alert Level 3, tamariki (children) and young people should learn from home.

Early learning centres can open to provide childcare for tamariki (children) whose parents need to go into work. Play centres and playgroups must close.

Schools and kura will be open for tamariki (children) in Years 1 to 10 whose parents or carers need to go to work and have no available options for childcare.

We encourage you to keep your tamariki (children) at home if you have other caregiving options. Your child’s school will work with you to find out which tamariki (children) need to go into school.

Schools should provide distance learning options for all tamariki (children) and young people who are learning from home, including those tamariki (children) who need to self-isolate and cannot attend school.

Schools must set up bubbles to help maintain physical distancing in the classroom and outside. Each bubble should have no more than 10 tamariki (children) or rangatahi (young people). Teachers are not included in this total. Teachers should stay with the same bubble of students.